What Happens at the Consultation Meeting With an Attorney?

Scheduling a consultation appointment is one of the most important steps an injured person can take in their pursuit of compensation. These appointments are free for new clients, so injured victims do not have to stress over cost. Knowing what to expect at the consultation meeting with the Personal Injury Lawyer is crucial for ensuring the injured victim will be prepared.


How to Get Prepared

Knowing what to bring to the consultation appointment with the accident lawyer is imperative. When someone has been in a severe accident, the following items should be delivered to the meeting so the attorney will be prepared to help their client.

  • A copy of the police report
  • Names and contact information of any eyewitnesses
  • Copies of any medical records related to the accident
  • Copies of any medical bills related to the crash
  • Photos, videos, and other evidence related to the crash
  • Contact letters from the insurance company or liable party
  • Notes on the accident and any injuries that occurred
  • A list of questions the injured client wants to ask their attorney
  • What Can Injured Clients Expect From the Consultation?

At the consultation meeting, the injured victim will first need to give a precise recollection of the events that unfolded during their motor vehicle accident. The more facts the victim shares, the better equipped the lawyer will be in beginning to form the case.

Factual information is vital when it comes to providing information to the attorney. Erroneous information will only harm a person’s ability in being able to get a favorable outcome. Once the facts have been shared, the attorney may have questions, as well as the client.

The client will have the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to hire the attorney. If the attorney is hired, they will go to work on investigating the accident and injuries. Gathering evidence is of supreme importance when it comes to proving liability.

If evidence is lacking, it is often difficult to prove liability, and cases get thrown out of court. The attorney will work to make sure there is ample evidence and witnesses to testify. Whether the case is settled with the insurance company or in court, the goal of the attorney will be to make sure their client’s rights are protected, and they receive a fair settlement outcome.

To learn more about how an attorney helps their clients, visit Acheson Law. Call the office to schedule a consultation right away.

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